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Convertir palabras entre formas de verbo / sustantivo / adjetivo

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Este es más un enfoque heurístico. Lo acabo de codificar para disculparme por el estilo. Utiliza derivationally_related_forms () de wordnet. He implementado nounify. Supongo que verbify funciona de manera análoga. Por lo que he probado funciona bastante bien:

from nltk.corpus import wordnet as wn

def nounify(verb_word):
    """ Transform a verb to the closest noun: die -> death """
    verb_synsets = wn.synsets(verb_word, pos="v")

    # Word not found
    if not verb_synsets:
        return []

    # Get all verb lemmas of the word
    verb_lemmas = [l for s in verb_synsets 
                   for l in s.lemmas if'.')[1] == 'v']

    # Get related forms
    derivationally_related_forms = [(l, l.derivationally_related_forms()) 
                                    for l in    verb_lemmas]

    # filter only the nouns
    related_noun_lemmas = [l for drf in derivationally_related_forms 
                           for l in drf[1] if'.')[1] == 'n']

    # Extract the words from the lemmas
    words = [ for l in related_noun_lemmas]
    len_words = len(words)

    # Build the result in the form of a list containing tuples (word, probability)
    result = [(w, float(words.count(w))/len_words) for w in set(words)]
    result.sort(key=lambda w: -w[1])

    # return all the possibilities sorted by probability
    return result

Aquí hay una función que en teoría es capaz de convertir palabras entre sustantivo / verbo / adjetivo / adverbio que actualicé desde aquí (originalmente escrito por pantanos, creo) para que sea compatible con nltk 3.2.5 ahora que synset.lemmas y son funciones.

from nltk.corpus import wordnet as wn

# Just to make it a bit more readable
WN_NOUN = 'n'
WN_VERB = 'v'

def convert(word, from_pos, to_pos):    
    """ Transform words given from/to POS tags """

    synsets = wn.synsets(word, pos=from_pos)

    # Word not found
    if not synsets:
        return []

    # Get all lemmas of the word (consider 'a'and 's' equivalent)
    lemmas = []
    for s in synsets:
        for l in s.lemmas():
            if'.')[1] == from_pos or from_pos in (WN_ADJECTIVE, WN_ADJECTIVE_SATELLITE) and'.')[1] in (WN_ADJECTIVE, WN_ADJECTIVE_SATELLITE):
                lemmas += [l]

    # Get related forms
    derivationally_related_forms = [(l, l.derivationally_related_forms()) for l in lemmas]

    # filter only the desired pos (consider 'a' and 's' equivalent)
    related_noun_lemmas = []

    for drf in derivationally_related_forms:
        for l in drf[1]:
            if l.synset().name().split('.')[1] == to_pos or to_pos in (WN_ADJECTIVE, WN_ADJECTIVE_SATELLITE) and l.synset().name().split('.')[1] in (WN_ADJECTIVE, WN_ADJECTIVE_SATELLITE):
                related_noun_lemmas += [l]

    # Extract the words from the lemmas
    words = [ for l in related_noun_lemmas]
    len_words = len(words)

    # Build the result in the form of a list containing tuples (word, probability)
    result = [(w, float(words.count(w)) / len_words) for w in set(words)]
    result.sort(key=lambda w:-w[1])

    # return all the possibilities sorted by probability
    return result

convert('direct', 'a', 'r')
convert('direct', 'a', 'n')
convert('quick', 'a', 'r')
convert('quickly', 'r', 'a')
convert('hunger', 'n', 'v')
convert('run', 'v', 'a')
convert('tired', 'a', 'r')
convert('tired', 'a', 'v')
convert('tired', 'a', 'n')
convert('tired', 'a', 's')
convert('wonder', 'v', 'n')
convert('wonder', 'n', 'a')

Como puede ver a continuación, no funciona tan bien. No puede cambiar entre adjetivo y adverbio (mi objetivo específico), pero da algunos resultados interesantes en otros casos.

>>> convert('direct', 'a', 'r')
>>> convert('direct', 'a', 'n')
[('directness', 0.6666666666666666), ('line', 0.3333333333333333)]
>>> convert('quick', 'a', 'r')
>>> convert('quickly', 'r', 'a')
>>> convert('hunger', 'n', 'v')
[('hunger', 0.75), ('thirst', 0.25)]
>>> convert('run', 'v', 'a')
[('persistent', 0.16666666666666666), ('executive', 0.16666666666666666), ('operative', 0.16666666666666666), ('prevalent', 0.16666666666666666), ('meltable', 0.16666666666666666), ('operant', 0.16666666666666666)]
>>> convert('tired', 'a', 'r')
>>> convert('tired', 'a', 'v')
>>> convert('tired', 'a', 'n')
[('triteness', 0.25), ('banality', 0.25), ('tiredness', 0.25), ('commonplace', 0.25)]
>>> convert('tired', 'a', 's')
>>> convert('wonder', 'v', 'n')
[('wonder', 0.3333333333333333), ('wonderer', 0.2222222222222222), ('marveller', 0.1111111111111111), ('marvel', 0.1111111111111111), ('wonderment', 0.1111111111111111), ('question', 0.1111111111111111)]
>>> convert('wonder', 'n', 'a')
[('curious', 0.4), ('wondrous', 0.2), ('marvelous', 0.2), ('marvellous', 0.2)]

Espero que esto pueda salvar a alguien de un pequeño problema.

Entiendo que esto no responde toda su pregunta, pero responde una gran parte. Vería Esta biblioteca de Python es capaz de conjugar verbos y reconocer si una palabra es un verbo, sustantivo o adjetivo.


print en.verb.present("gave")
print en.verb.present("gave", person=3, negate=False)
>>> give
>>> gives

También puede categorizar palabras.

print en.is_noun("banana")
>>> True

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