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cómo usar el ejemplo de código git push

Luego de indagar en diversos repositorios y páginas webs de internet al final hemos descubierto la solución que te enseñaremos ahora.

Ejemplo 1: línea de comando git push

1. git init

2. gitadd.3. git status

4. git commit -m 'your message'5. git remote add origin 'your_url_name'6. git push -u origin master //then login w/ your creds

Ejemplo 2: git push origin master –force

git push origin --force

Ejemplo 3: git push para ramificar

# If its your first pushgit push -u origin BRANCH

# Otherwisegit push origin BRANCH

Ejemplo 4: git push

# Once a repo is cloned, you'll be working inside of the default branch (the default is `master`)git clone<git-user>/<repo-name>&&cd<repo-name># make changes and stage your files (repeat the `git add` command for each file, or use `git add .` to stage all)gitadd<filename># now commit your codegit commit -m "added some changes to my repo!"# push changes in `master` branch to githubgit push origin master

Ejemplo 5: git push

git remote add origin
git branch -M main
git push -u origin main

Ejemplo 6: comando git push

If you want to upload your code first check status

//to check how many files contains changes
1. git status

//to addfile to the repository
2. gitadd youFilePath

//if you want to add all filethen3. gitadd.

//now commit the code
4. git commit -m "anyMessageYouWantToWrite"

//push the code
5. git push

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