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Cómo obtener la fecha y hora actual en UTC desde un Excel VBA macro

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Simplemente, puede usar el objeto COM para obtener información de la hora UTC.

Dim dt As Object, utc As Date
Set dt = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemDateTime")
dt.SetVarDate Now
utc = dt.GetVarDate(False)

Hay un macro en esa página con un método LocalTimeToUTC. Parece que haría el truco. También algunos ejemplos de fórmulas si quisieras ir por ese camino.

Editar – Otro enlace. Esta página tiene varios métodos para fecha/hora. Elige tu veneno. Cualquiera de los dos debería hacer el truco, pero siento que el segundo es más bonito. 😉

De acuerdo, esta pregunta es antigua, pero acabo de pasar un tiempo reuniendo un código limpio basado en esto y quería publicarlo aquí en caso de que alguien que visite esta página pueda encontrarlo útil.

Cree un nuevo Módulo en el IDE de Excel VBA (opcionalmente dándole un nombre de UtcConverter o cualquiera que sea su preferencia en la hoja de propiedades) y pegue el código a continuación.


Option Explicit

' Use the PtrSafe attribute for x64 installations
Private Declare PtrSafe Function FileTimeToLocalFileTime Lib "Kernel32" (lpFileTime As FILETIME, ByRef lpLocalFileTime As FILETIME) As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Function LocalFileTimeToFileTime Lib "Kernel32" (lpLocalFileTime As FILETIME, ByRef lpFileTime As FILETIME) As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Function SystemTimeToFileTime Lib "Kernel32" (lpSystemTime As SYSTEMTIME, ByRef lpFileTime As FILETIME) As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Function FileTimeToSystemTime Lib "Kernel32" (lpFileTime As FILETIME, ByRef lpSystemTime As SYSTEMTIME) As Long

Public Type FILETIME
  LowDateTime As Long
  HighDateTime As Long
End Type

  Year As Integer
  Month As Integer
  DayOfWeek As Integer
  Day As Integer
  Hour As Integer
  Minute As Integer
  Second As Integer
  Milliseconds As Integer
End Type

' Convert local time to UTC
Public Function UTCTIME(LocalTime As Date) As Date
  Dim oLocalFileTime As FILETIME
  Dim oUtcFileTime As FILETIME
  Dim oSystemTime As SYSTEMTIME

  ' Convert to a SYSTEMTIME
  oSystemTime = DateToSystemTime(LocalTime)

  ' 1. Convert to a FILETIME
  ' 2. Convert to UTC time
  ' 3. Convert to a SYSTEMTIME
  Call SystemTimeToFileTime(oSystemTime, oLocalFileTime)
  Call LocalFileTimeToFileTime(oLocalFileTime, oUtcFileTime)
  Call FileTimeToSystemTime(oUtcFileTime, oSystemTime)

  ' Convert to a Date
  UTCTIME = SystemTimeToDate(oSystemTime)
End Function

' Convert UTC to local time
Public Function LOCALTIME(UtcTime As Date) As Date
  Dim oLocalFileTime As FILETIME
  Dim oUtcFileTime As FILETIME
  Dim oSystemTime As SYSTEMTIME

  ' Convert to a SYSTEMTIME.
  oSystemTime = DateToSystemTime(UtcTime)

  ' 1. Convert to a FILETIME
  ' 2. Convert to local time
  ' 3. Convert to a SYSTEMTIME
  Call SystemTimeToFileTime(oSystemTime, oUtcFileTime)
  Call FileTimeToLocalFileTime(oUtcFileTime, oLocalFileTime)
  Call FileTimeToSystemTime(oLocalFileTime, oSystemTime)

  ' Convert to a Date
  LOCALTIME = SystemTimeToDate(oSystemTime)
End Function

' Convert a Date to a SYSTEMTIME
Private Function DateToSystemTime(Value As Date) As SYSTEMTIME
  With DateToSystemTime
    .Year = Year(Value)
    .Month = Month(Value)
    .Day = Day(Value)
    .Hour = Hour(Value)
    .Minute = Minute(Value)
    .Second = Second(Value)
  End With
End Function

' Convert a SYSTEMTIME to a Date
Private Function SystemTimeToDate(Value As SYSTEMTIME) As Date
  With Value
    SystemTimeToDate = _
      DateSerial(.Year, .Month, .Day) + _
      TimeSerial(.Hour, .Minute, .Second)
  End With
End Function

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