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cómo obtener la dirección IP del servidor en el ejemplo de código python de programación de socket

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Ejemplo 1: el socket de Python obtiene la dirección IP del cliente

## importing socket moduleimport socket
## getting the hostname by socket.gethostname() method
hostname = socket.gethostname()## getting the IP address using socket.gethostbyname() method
ip_address = socket.gethostbyname(hostname)## printing the hostname and ip_addressprint(f"Hostname: hostname")print(f"IP Address: ip_address")

Ejemplo 2: el socket de Python obtiene la dirección IP del cliente

1. Import the socket module.2. Get the hostname using the socket.gethostname() method and store it in a variable.3. Find the IP address by passing the hostname as an argument to the
socket.gethostbyname() method and store it in a variable.4. Print the IP address.

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