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cómo mostrar la leyenda en el ejemplo de código python

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Ejemplo: python cómo agregar una leyenda de figura en la mejor posición

# Short answer:# matplotlib.pyplot places the legend in the "best" location by default# To add a legend to your plot, call plt.legend()# Example usage:import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x1 =[1,2,3]# Invent x and y data to be plotted
y1 =[4,5,6]
x2 =[1,3,5]
y2 =[6,5,4]

plt.plot(x1, y1, label="Dataset_1")# Use label="data_name" so that the # legend is easy to interpret
plt.plot(x2, y2, label="Dataset_2")
plt.legend(loc='best') Other legend locations you can specify:
Location String		Location Code (e.g. loc=1)'best'0'upper right'1'upper left'2'lower left'3'lower right'4'right'5'center left'6'center right'7'lower center'8'upper center'9'center'10

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