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cómo instalar la última versión de node js en el ejemplo de código de ubuntu

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Ejemplo 1: instalar nodo js ubuntu

sudo apt-get install curl
curl -sL| sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install nodejs
# Check node version
node -v 
# v13.9.0
# Also, check the npm version
npm -v 
# 6.13.7

Ejemplo 2: instalación de nodo ubuntu

# Through nodesource
curl -sL| sudo -E bash -
sudo apt install nodejs

Ejemplo 3: npm inatall última versión de ubuntu

// update latest version NPM
sudo npm install -g [email protected]//update to next version NPM
sudo npm install -g [email protected]

Ejemplo 4: instalar nodo y npm ubuntu

curl -sL| sudo -E bash -
sudo apt install -y nodejs

Ejemplo 5: instalar nodo en linux

# It's a good idea to use NVM(NodeVersionManager)if you want to install
# Node.js on Linux because it allows you to install many versions ofNode
# simultaneously and switch between them easily

# Navigate to desktop to avoid problems with permissions
cd ~/Desktop

# Download the nvm script, but please note that newversionsof nvm are
# released as the time pass, so you should always check the following link:
# to get updated info
sudo apt install curl && curl -o-| bash

# You need to check whether nvm has been added to the PATH or not
# So you should execute the command
nvm --version


# To install the latest version of node, use the command:
nvm install node

# You don't need to worry about npm installation as nvm automatically 
# installs it alongside node

# Please visit nvm github repo for more info:

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