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cómo generar un número entre 1 y 100 ejemplo de código c ++

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Ejemplo 1: hacer números aleatorios en C++

/* rand example: guess the number */#include       /* printf, scanf, puts, NULL */#include      /* srand, rand */#include        /* time */intmain ()int iSecret, iGuess;/* initialize random seed: */srand (time(NULL));/* generate secret number between 1 and 10: */
  iSecret =rand()%10+1;doprintf ("Guess the number (1 to 10): ");scanf ("%d",&iGuess);if(iSecret<iGuess)puts ("The secret number is lower");elseif(iSecret>iGuess)puts ("The secret number is higher");while(iSecret!=iGuess);puts ("Congratulations!");return0;

Ejemplo 2: c++ aleatorio

#include #include #include intmain()std::srand(std::time(nullptr));// use current time as seed for random generatorint random_variable =std::rand();std::cout <<"Random value on [0 "<<RAND_MAX<<"]: "<< random_variable <<'n';

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