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cómo generar números aleatorios en java dentro del ejemplo de código de rango

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Ejemplo 1: número aleatorio en rango java

(int)(Math.random()*((max - min)+1))+ min

Ejemplo 2: cómo generar un número aleatorio en java

import java.util.Random;Random rand =newRandom();
int maxNumber =10;

int randomNumber = rand.nextInt(maxNumber)+1;System.out.println(randomNumber);

Ejemplo 3: java genera un entero aleatorio en el rango

import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;// nextInt is normally exclusive of the top value,// so add 1 to make it inclusive
int randomNum =ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(min, max +1);

Ejemplo 4: cómo obtener un número aleatorio en Java en el rango

privatestatic int getRandomNumberInRange(int min, int max)if(min >= max)thrownewIllegalArgumentException("max must be greater than min");Random r =newRandom();return r.nextInt((max - min)+1)+ min;//Random().nextInt(int bound) = Random integer from 0 (inclusive) to bound (exclusive)//1. nextInt(range) = nextInt(max - min)newRandom().nextInt(5);// [0...4] [min = 0, max = 4]newRandom().nextInt(6);// [0...5]newRandom().nextInt(7);// [0...6]newRandom().nextInt(8);// [0...7]newRandom().nextInt(9);// [0...8]newRandom().nextInt(10);// [0...9]			newRandom().nextInt(11);// [0...10]//2. To include the last value (max value) = (range + 1)newRandom().nextInt(5+1)// [0...5] [min = 0, max = 5]newRandom().nextInt(6+1)// [0...6]newRandom().nextInt(7+1)// [0...7]newRandom().nextInt(8+1)// [0...8]newRandom().nextInt(9+1)// [0...9]newRandom().nextInt(10+1)// [0...10]			newRandom().nextInt(11+1)// [0...11]//3. To define a start value (min value) in a range,//   For example, the range should start from 10 = (range + 1) + minnewRandom().nextInt(5+1)+10// [0...5]  + 10 = [10...15]newRandom().nextInt(6+1)+10// [0...6]  + 10 = [10...16]newRandom().nextInt(7+1)+10// [0...7]  + 10 = [10...17]newRandom().nextInt(8+1)+10// [0...8]  + 10 = [10...18]newRandom().nextInt(9+1)+10// [0...9]  + 10 = [10...19]newRandom().nextInt(10+1)+10// [0...10] + 10 = [10...20]newRandom().nextInt(11+1)+10// [0...11] + 10 = [10...21]// Range = (max - min)// So, the final formula is ((max - min) + 1) + min//4. Test [10...30]// min = 10 , max = 30, range = (max - min)newRandom().nextInt((max - min)+1)+ min
    newRandom().nextInt((30-10)+1)+10newRandom().nextInt((20)+1)+10newRandom().nextInt(21)+10//[0...20] + 10 = [10...30]//5. Test [15...99]// min = 15 , max = 99, range = (max - min)newRandom().nextInt((max - min)+1)+ min
    newRandom().nextInt((99-15)+1)+15newRandom().nextInt((84)+1)+15newRandom().nextInt(85)+15//[0...84] + 15 = [15...99]//Done, understand?

Ejemplo 5: cómo generar números aleatorios en java dentro del rango

import java.util.Random;Random rand =newRandom();
int random_integer = rand.nextInt(upperbound-lowerbound)+ lowerbound;

Ejemplo 6: generador de números aleatorios de Java en el rango

int rand =ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(x,y);

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