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Cómo extraer valor de la respuesta JSON cuando se usa Spring MockMVC

[*]Si te encuentras con algo que no entiendes puedes comentarlo y te ayudaremos rápidamente.


[*]Simplemente puedes usar en el objeto de resultado:

MvcResult result = mockMvc.perform(post("/api/tracker/jobs/work")

String id =, "$.id")

Work work = workService.findWorkById(id);


[*]He logrado resolver mi problema usando el controlador de resultados Spring MockMVC. Creé una utilidad de prueba para convertir el JSON string volver a un objeto y así permitirme obtener la identificación.

[*]Utilidad de conversión:

 public static   Object convertJSONStringToObject(String json, Class objectClass) throws IOException 
    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

    JavaTimeModule module = new JavaTimeModule();
    return mapper.readValue(json, objectClass);

[*]Prueba de unidad:

public void createNewWorkWorkWhenCreatedJobItemAndQuantitiesPoolShouldBeCreated() throws Exception 

        .andDo(mvcResult -> 
            String json = mvcResult.getResponse().getContentAsString();
            workRequestResponse = (WorkRequestResponse) TestUtil.convertJSONStringToObject(json, WorkRequestResponse.class);

    Work work = workService.findWorkById(workRequestResponse.getWorkId());


[*]Una forma de recuperar un valor genérico arbitrario de la respuesta JSON es aprovechar el comparador jsonPath () de la biblioteca MockMVC y acoplarlo con un comparador personalizado que captura todos los valores que se le pide que coincida.

[*]Primero, el comparador personalizado:

import org.hamcrest.BaseMatcher;

 * Matcher which always returns true, and at the same time, captures the
 * actual values passed in for matching. These can later be retrieved with a
 * call to @link #getLastMatched() or @link #getAllMatched().
public static class CapturingMatcher extends BaseMatcher 

    private List matchedList = new ArrayList<>();

    public boolean matches(Object matched) 
        return true;

    public void describeTo(Description description) 
        description.appendText("any object");

     * The last value matched.
    public Object getLastMatched() 
        return matchedList.get(matchedList.size() - 1);

     * All the values matched, in the order they were requested for
     * matching.
    public List getAllMatched() 
        return Collections.unmodifiableList(matchedList);

[*]Ahora, use el comparador personalizado para capturar valores y use el comparador jsonPath () para identificar qué se debe capturar:

@WithMockUser(username = "reviewer", authorities = ROLE_USER)
public void testGetRemediationAction() throws Exception 

    CapturingMatcher capturingMatcher = new CapturingMatcher();

    // First request a list of all the available actions
            .andExpect(jsonPath("$.content[*].remediations[*].id", hasSize(12)))
            .andExpect(jsonPath("$.content[*].remediations[*].id", capturingMatcher));

    // Grab an ID from one of the available actions
    Object idArray = capturingMatcher.getLastMatched();
    JSONArray jsonIdArray = (JSONArray) idArray;
    String randomId = (String) jsonIdArray.get(new Random().nextInt(12));

    // Now retrieve the chosen action
    mvc.perform(get("/api/remediation/action/" + randomId).accept(VERSION_1_JSON))
            .andExpect(jsonPath("$.id", is(randomId)));

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