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Cómo decodificar viewstate

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Aquí hay un decodificador ViewState en línea:

Editar: Desafortunadamente, el enlace anterior está muerto; aquí hay otro decodificador ViewState (de los comentarios):

Use Fiddler y tome el estado de vista en la respuesta y péguelo en el cuadro de texto inferior izquierdo y luego decodifique.

Aquí está el código fuente para un visualizador ViewState del artículo de Scott Mitchell sobre ViewState (25 páginas)

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Web.UI;

namespace ViewStateArticle.ExtendedPageClasses

    /// Parses the view state, constructing a viaully-accessible object graph.
    public class ViewStateParser
        // private member variables
        private TextWriter tw;
        private string indentString = "   ";

        #region Constructor
        /// Creates a new ViewStateParser instance, specifying the TextWriter to emit the output to.
        public ViewStateParser(TextWriter writer)
            tw = writer;

        #region Methods
        #region ParseViewStateGraph Methods
        /// Emits a readable version of the view state to the TextWriter passed into the object's constructor.
        /// The view state object to start parsing at.
        public virtual void ParseViewStateGraph(object viewState)
            ParseViewStateGraph(viewState, 0, string.Empty);    

        /// Emits a readable version of the view state to the TextWriter passed into the object's constructor.
        /// A base-64 encoded representation of the view state to parse.
        public virtual void ParseViewStateGraph(string viewStateAsString)
            // First, deserialize the string into a Triplet
            LosFormatter los = new LosFormatter();
            object viewState = los.Deserialize(viewStateAsString);

            ParseViewStateGraph(viewState, 0, string.Empty);    

        /// Recursively parses the view state.
        /// The current view state node.
        /// The "depth" of the view state tree.
        /// A label to display in the emitted output next to the current node.
        protected virtual void ParseViewStateGraph(object node, int depth, string label)

        /// Returns a string containing the  property value a specified number of times.
        /// The number of times to repeat the  property.
        /// A string containing the  property value a specified number of times.
        protected virtual string Indent(int depth)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(IndentString.Length * depth);
            for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++)

            return sb.ToString();

        #region Properties
        /// Specifies the indentation to use for each level when displaying the object graph.
        /// A string value; the default is three blank spaces.
        public string IndentString
                return indentString;
                indentString = value;

Y aquí hay una página simple para leer el estado de vista de un cuadro de texto y graficarlo usando el código anterior

private void btnParse_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            // parse the viewState
            StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
            ViewStateParser p = new ViewStateParser(writer);

            ltlViewState.Text = writer.ToString();

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