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cómo crear una tabla en el ejemplo de código tkinter python

Ejemplo: cómo crear una tabla en tkinter

# how to create a table in tkinter using an example# try and run it for better understandingfrom tkinter import*# creating a class for creating table in tkinter windowclassTable:def__init__(self,root_2):global results
        for i inrange(l):for j inrange(5):# here we use dynamic variable so that you can edit and access the table elements if neededexec(f"self.ei_j = Entry(root_2,width=20,fg='blue',font=('Arial',16,'bold'))")exec(f"self.ei_j.grid(row=i+2,column=j)")exec("self.e"+str(i)+"_"+str(j)+".insert(END, results["+str(i)+"]["+str(j)+"])")# the data to be placed in table
results =[['1001','SID','CS','100000','18'],['1002','KRISH','BioTech','100000','18'],['1003','GEM','CS','100000','18']]                   
l =len(results)# main window where the table will be
root_2 = Tk()
text = Label(root_2,text ="EMPLOYEE DETAILS", font=('Atial',18,'bold')).grid(row=0,column=2)
text = Label(root_2,text ="ID", font=('Atial',16,'bold')).grid(row=1,column=0,sticky=W)
text = Label(root_2,text ="Name", font=('Atial',16,'bold')).grid(row=1,column=1,sticky=W)
text = Label(root_2,text ="Department", font=('Atial',16,'bold')).grid(row=1,column=2,sticky=W)
text = Label(root_2,text ="Salary", font=('Atial',16,'bold')).grid(row=1,column=3,sticky=W)
text = Label(root_2,text ="Age", font=('Atial',16,'bold')).grid(row=1,column=4,sticky=W)# this is where the class to create the table is called
t = Table(root_2)

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