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¿Cómo crear un servicio de Windows en Powershell para la cuenta de “Servicio de red”?

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El nombre correcto de la cuenta es NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE.

Esta es la versión final del Servicio de Reinstalación para beneficio de todos, especialmente para Aniket.

function ReinstallService ($serviceName, $binaryPath, $description, $login, $password, $startUpType)

        Write-Host "Trying to create service: $serviceName"

        #Check Parameters
        if ((Test-Path $binaryPath)-eq $false)
            Write-Host "BinaryPath to service not found: $binaryPath"
            Write-Host "Service was NOT installed."

        if (("Automatic", "Manual", "Disabled") -notcontains $startUpType)
            Write-Host "Value for startUpType parameter should be (Automatic or Manual or Disabled) and it was $startUpType"
            Write-Host "Service was NOT installed."

        # Verify if the service already exists, and if yes remove it first
        if (Get-Service $serviceName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
            # using WMI to remove Windows service because PowerShell does not have CmdLet for this
            $serviceToRemove = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "name='$serviceName'"

            Write-Host "Service removed: $serviceName"

        # if password is empty, create a dummy one to allow have credentias for system accounts: 
        if ($password -eq "") 
            #$secpassword = (new-object System.Security.SecureString)
            # Bug detected by @GaTechThomas
            $secpasswd = (new-object System.Security.SecureString)
            $secpasswd = ConvertTo-SecureString $password -AsPlainText -Force
        $mycreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($login, $secpasswd)

        # Creating Windows Service using all provided parameters
        Write-Host "Installing service: $serviceName"
        New-Service -name $serviceName -binaryPathName $binaryPath -Description $description -displayName $serviceName -startupType $startUpType -credential $mycreds

        Write-Host "Installation completed: $serviceName"

        # Trying to start new service
        Write-Host "Trying to start new service: $serviceName"
        $serviceToStart = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "name='$serviceName'"
        Write-Host "Service started: $serviceName"

        Write-Host "Waiting 5 seconds to give time service to start..."
        Start-Sleep -s 5
        $SmokeTestService = Get-Service -Name $serviceName
        if ($SmokeTestService.Status -ne "Running")
            Write-Host "Smoke test: FAILED. (SERVICE FAILED TO START)"
            Throw "Smoke test: FAILED. (SERVICE FAILED TO START)"
            Write-Host "Smoke test: OK."

Podría obtener un crédito de servicio de red de manera sencilla como esta:

#### #just set a dummy psw since it's just used to get credentials

$psw = "dummy"

$scuritypsw = ConvertTo-SecureString $psw -AsPlainText -Force

$mycreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($login, $scuritypsw)
#### #then you can use the cred to new a windows service

$serviceName = "Test"
$binaryPath = "C:TestTest.exe"

New-Service -name $serviceName -binaryPathName $binaryPath -displayName $serviceName -startupType Automatic -credential $mycreds

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