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¿Cómo crear subdominios dinámicos para cada usuario usando node express?


Si usa Node.js con Express.js, entonces:

router.get("", function (req, res) { 
    var domain = req.get('host').match(/w+/); // e.g., host: ""
    if (domain)
       var subdomain = domain[0]; // Use "subdomain"

// you can use this implementation to get subdomain dynamically
// Use below code to get your subdomain name
// get your dynamic subdomain

app.use((req, res, next) => {
  if (!req.subdomains.length || req.subdomains.slice(-1)[0] === 'www') return next();
  // otherwise we have subdomain here
  var subdomain = req.subdomains.slice(-1)[0];
  // keep it
  req.subdomain = subdomain;

// conditional render a page
app.get("", (req, res) => {
  // no subdomain
  if (!req.subdomain) {
    // render home page
  } else {
    // render subdomain specific page
  } // you can extend this else logic to render the different subdomain specific page

> Note: to test this locally. you can use Nginx reverse proxy to forward your test url req to your local server and do not forget to point your test url to your local host in your hosts file of your machine
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