Después de de una extensa compilación de datos solucionamos esta cuestión que presentan ciertos usuarios. Te compartimos la solución y nuestro deseo es que sea de mucha apoyo.
Ejemplo 1: cola stl
Functions used here:
q.size()= Returns the size of queue.
q.push()= It is used to insert elements to the queue.
q.pop()= To pop out the value from the queue.
q.front()= Returns the front element of the array.
q.back()= Returns the back element of the array.
Ejemplo 2: cola c++
//Queue is a data structure designed to operate in FIFO(First in First out) context. //In queue elements are inserted from rear end and get removed from front end.
The functions supported by queue:---------------------------------empty()| Tests whether queue is empty ornot.size()| Returns the total number of elements present in the queue.push()| Inserts new element at the end of queue.emplace()| Constructs and inserts new element at the end of queue.pop()| Removes front element of the queue.swap()| Exchanges the contents of queue with contents of another queue.front()| Returns a reference to the first element of the queue.back()| Returns a reference to the last element of queue.
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