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cola de prioridad usando el ejemplo de código de Python

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Ejemplo 1: cola de prioridad de Python

from queue import PriorityQueue

classPqElement(object):def__init__(self, value:int):
        self.val = value

    #Custom Compare Function (less than or equsal)def__lt__(self, other):"""self < obj."""return self.val > other.val

    #Print each element functiondef__repr__(self):returnf'PQE:self.val'#Usage-
pq = PriorityQueue()
pq.put(PqElement(v))#Add Item      - O(Log(n))
topValue = pq.get()#Pop top item  - O(1)
topValue = pq.queue[0].val #Get top value - O(1)

Ejemplo 2: cola de prioridad de Python

    Combined priority queue and set data structure.

    Acts like a priority queue, except that its items are guaranteed to be
    unique. Provides O(1) membership test, O(log N) insertion and O(log N)
    removal of the smallest item.

    Important: the items of this data structure must be both comparable and
    hashable (i.e. must implement __cmp__ and __hash__). This is true of
    Python's built-in objects, but you should implement those methods if you
    want to use the data structure for custom objects.
    """def__init__(self, items=[]):"""
        Create a new PriorityQueueSet.

            items (list): An initial item list - it can be unsorted and
                non-unique. The data structure will be created in O(N).
        self.set=dict((item,True)for item in items)
        self.heap = self.set.keys()
        heapq.heapify(self.heap)defhas_item(self, item):"""Check if ``item`` exists in the queue."""return item in self.setdefpop_smallest(self):"""Remove and return the smallest item from the queue."""
        smallest = heapq.heappop(self.heap)del self.set[smallest]return smallest

    defadd(self, item):"""Add ``item`` to the queue if doesn't already exist."""if item notin self.set:
            heapq.heappush(self.heap, item)

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