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Ejemplo: tabla hash c#
usingSystem;usingSystem.Collections;namespaceCollectionsApplicationclassProgramstaticvoidMain(string[] args)Hashtable ht =newHashtable();
ht.Add("001","Zara Ali");
ht.Add("002","Abida Rehman");
ht.Add("003","Joe Holzner");
ht.Add("004","Mausam Benazir Nur");
ht.Add("005","M. Amlan");
ht.Add("006","M. Arif");
ht.Add("007","Ritesh Saikia");if(ht.ContainsValue("Nuha Ali"))
Console.WriteLine("This student name is already in the list");else
ht.Add("008","Nuha Ali");// Get a collection of the keys.ICollection key = ht.Keys;foreach(string k in key)
Console.WriteLine(k +": "+ ht[k]);
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