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C# string Ejemplo de código de IndexOf

este problema se puede resolver de variadas maneras, pero te mostramos la respuesta más completa para nosotros.

Ejemplo 1: c índice agudo de subcadena

// To find the index of the first substring in a string use// 'IndexOf()'string str ="Hello World!"
str.IndexOf("o");// Output: 4// You can give a starting index and a length to search at
str.IndexOf("o",6,4);// Output: 7// To find the last instance of a substring use 'LastIndexOf()'
str.LastIndexOf("o");// Output: 7

Ejemplo 2: c # IndexOf

string word ="Hello";intwhere= word.IndexOf("e");// int where returns index number where the letter "e" is located.// --0-1-2-3-4-- < Index number// --H-e-l-l-o-- < Word// In this case, the letter "e" is located in the index number 1

Ejemplo 3: índice de string C#

string br1 ="0----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+---";string br2 ="012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678";string str ="Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.";int start;int at;int end;int count;

end = str.Length;
start = end/2;
Console.WriteLine("All occurrences of 'he' from position 0 to 1.", start, end-1);
Console.WriteLine("102030", Environment.NewLine, br1, br2, str);
Console.Write("The string 'he' occurs at position(s): ");

count =0;
at =0;while((start <= end)&&(at >-1))// start+count must be a position within -str-.
    count = end - start;
    at = str.IndexOf("he", start, count);if(at ==-1)break;
    Console.Write("0 ", at);
    start = at+1;
This example produces the following results:

All occurrences of 'he' from position 34 to 68.
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.

The string 'he' occurs at position(s): 45 56


Ejemplo 4: strinng.indexOf c #

int index = String.IndexOf(char x);int index = String.IndexOf(string x);

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