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Barra de búsqueda usando el ejemplo de código de Python

Al fin luego de tanto luchar pudimos hallar la solución de este asunto que agunos usuarios de esta web han presentado. Si tienes algún detalle que compartir puedes aportar tu conocimiento.

Ejemplo: barra de búsqueda usando python

#Open websiteimport os
import time
import webbrowser
import sys

os.system('clear')print("Hi i am Like Google but a bit crazy one")
Name =input("So what should i call you: ")print("Hi", Name,"my name is Seainte")print("So what would you like to search for topics will be givennGamesnYoutubenInternetnCoding")
Search =input("Enter your topic here: ")#Search variable input games Doneif Search =='Games'or Search =='games':
    os.system('clear')print("The topics are:nFlyingnSandboxnRealistic")
    Games_Search =input("Enter your topic here: ")if Games_Search =='Flying'or Games_Search =='flying':print("Loading...")
        time.sleep(5)'',True)elif Games_Search =='Sandbox'or Games_Search =='sandbox':print("Loading...")
        time.sleep(5)'',True)elif Games_Search =='Realistic'or Games_Search =='realistic':print("Loading...")
        time.sleep(5)'',True)else:print("Wrong input or topic please enter the correct topic/input next time", Name)#Search variable input youtube Doneelif Search =='Youtube'or Search =='youtube':
    os.system('clear')print("So the topics are:nComedynGamingnLearningnSongs")
    Youtube_Search =input("Enter your topic: ")if Youtube_Search =='Comedy'or Youtube_Search =='comedy':print("Laoding...")
        time.sleep(5)'',True)elif Youtube_Search =='Gaming'or Youtube_Search =='gaming':print("Loading...")
        time.sleep(5)'',True)elif Youtube_Search =='Learning'or Youtube_Search =='learning':print("Loading...")
        time.sleep('',True)elif Youtube_Search =='Songs'or Youtube_Search =='songs':print("Loading...")
        time.sleep(5)'',True)else:print("Wrong topic please enter the correct topic next time", Name)#This is for Search variable Internet input Doneelif Search =='Internet'or Search =='internet':
    os.system('clear')print("So the topics are:nSearchnLearnnplay games onlinenDownload stuff")
    Internet_Search =input("Enter your topic: ")if Internet_Search =='Search'or Internet_Search =='search':print("Loading...")
        time.sleep(5)'',True)elif Internet_Search =='learn'or Internet_Search =='Learn':print("Loading...")
        time.sleep(5)'',True)elif Internet_Search =='Play games online'or Internet_Search =='play games online':print("Loading...")
        time.sleep(5)'',True)elif Internet_Search =='Download stuff'or Internet_Search =='download stuff':print("Loading...")
        time.sleep(5)'',True)else:print("Wrong topic please enter the correct topic next time", Name)#This is for Search input from Search variable Doneelif Search =='Coding'or Search =='coding':
    os.system('clear')print("So the topics are:nPythonnCnC#nJavascript")
    Coding_Search =input("Enter your topic: ")if Coding_Search =='Python'or Coding_Search =='python':print("Loading...")
        time.sleep(5)'',True)elif Coding_Search =='C'or Coding_Search =='c':print("Loading...")
        time.sleep(5)'',True)elif Coding_Search =='C#'or Coding_Search =='c#':print("Loading...")
        webbrowser('',True)elif Coding_Search =='Javascript'or Coding_Search =='javascript':print("Loading...")
        time.sleep(5)'',True)else:print("Wrong topic please enter the correct topic next time", Name)

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