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barra de bocadillos superior en ejemplo de código de flutter

Recabamos por distintos sitios para brindarte la solución para tu inquietud, en caso de preguntas puedes dejar tu inquietud y contestaremos con gusto, porque estamos para ayudarte.

Ejemplo 1: barra de aperitivos flutter que muestra un error

You can show material design snackbars using the following code:

      content:Text("New Notification"),));
In some cases,this will throw an error and it can be resolved using a workaround://Declare a GlobalKey
GlobalKey<ScaffoldState> _scaffoldKey = GlobalKey<ScaffoldState>();//Assing this key to the scaffoldScaffold(
  key: _scaffoldKey,
  body:...)//finally in the topmost code use this key in the following way
      content:Text("New Notification"),));

Ejemplo 2: cómo mostrar snackbar en flutter

You can show material design snackbars using the following code:

      content:Text("New Notification"),));
In some cases,this will throw an error and it can be resolved using a workaround://Declare a GlobalKey
GlobalKey<ScaffoldState> _scaffoldKey = GlobalKey<ScaffoldState>();//Assing this key to the scaffoldScaffold(
  key: _scaffoldKey,
  body:...)//finally in the topmost code use this key in the following way
      content:Text("New Notification"),));

Ejemplo 3: parte superior de la barra de aperitivos Flutter

  child:Text('Show Top Snackbar'),
      flushbarPosition: FlushbarPosition.TOP,)..title ="Hey Ninja"..message ="Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry"..duration =Duration(seconds:3);,),

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