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aumentar las posibilidades de ganar la lotería con el ejemplo de código de Python

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Ejemplo: oportunidad de lotería de Python

import random

correct =0
total =0
run =1

howmany =int(input("How many correct guesses should there be? (0-6) "))if howmany <0:print("That was below 0.")
    quit()elif howmany >6:print("That was over 6.")

runs =int(input("How many runs should there be? "))if runs <1:print("There has to be at least one run.")
    quit()while run <= runs:
    correct =0
    howoften =0while correct != howmany:
        correct =0
        guess =[]
        drawing =[]whilelen(guess)<6:iflen(guess)<6:
                number = random.randint(1,50)ifnot number in guess:
                number2 = random.randint(1,50)ifnot number2 in drawing:

        x =0
        y =0while y <len(guess):while x <len(guess):if guess[x]== drawing[y]:
                    correct +=1
                x +=1
            y +=1
            x =0
        howoften +=1print("run",(run),"| draw ",
              howoften,"| correct", correct)
    total += howoften
    run +=1

average =round((total / runs),2)print("To get", howmany,"correct guesses", runs,"times, there had to be a total of", total,"tries. That's an average of ", average,"tries per run. (so the chance is 1:"+str(average)+")")input("Hit Enter to exit")

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