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atajo de Java para público static void ejemplo de código principal

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Ejemplo 1: por qué el método principal es público static void en java

public:publicisan access specifier which can be used outside the class. 
When main method isdeclaredpublic it means it can be used outside class.static: To call a method we require object. Sometimes it may be 
required to call a method without the help of object. Then we declare that 
method asstatic. JVM calls themain() method without creating
objectby declaring keyword static.
If we make the main method non-static, 
JVM will have to create its object first and then callmain() method which 
will lead to the extra memory allocation.void:voidreturn type isusedwhen a method does’nt return any value.main() method doesn’t returnanyvalue,somain()isdeclaredasvoid.

Ejemplo 2: java público static void principal

publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args)

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