Posterior a consultar expertos en esta materia, programadores de deferentes ramas y profesores hemos dado con la respuesta al problema y la plasmamos en este post.
Ejemplo 1: xampp mysql se apaga inesperadamente
1.Exit Xampp and navigate to xampp/mysql/data directory
2.delete the ibdata1 file3. restart the XAMPP server
or1.Exit Xampp and navigate to xampp/mysql/data directory
2.delete the ibdata1, ib_logfile0,ib_logfile1,ib_logfile101 files
3. restart the XAMPP server
Try tocheck the error log at the installed location: /xampp/mysql/data/mysql_error.log
This can help you better debug the problem.
Also Note:
1. XAMPP might hit into port issue when you have skype also running.2. There is a federated plugin issue that is common.
Ejemplo 2: Error: MySQL se apagó inesperadamente.
go to Xampp and navigate to xampp/mysql/data directory
deleteall files and dir
and paste files inbackup directory
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