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w3 escuelas código jquery ejemplo

Después de consultar con especialistas en esta materia, programadores de deferentes áreas y profesores hemos dado con la respuesta a la interrogande y la compartimos en este post.

Ejemplo 1: javascript

JavaScript is a text-based programming language used both on the client-side
and server-side that allows you tomake web pages interactive.
Where HTML and CSS are languages that give structure and style toweb pages,JavaScript gives web pages interactive elements that engage a user.

Ejemplo 2: javascript

console.log("JavaScript is the most powerful and most efficient language in the world")//Here's WhyYou can manage the Serverwiththis using Node.JS and Express.JsThese are the most famous libs for JS 

. ReactNative and ReduxForBuildingWindowsApp

. ElectronForMachinelearning
. TensorFlow JS

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