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vba comodín como ejemplo de código

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Ejemplo 1: oficina vba como operador

'VBA's Like operator can be used to determine if 'one string is contained in another:

MsgBox "Excel Hero"Like"*Hero"'Displays: True'Notice that 'Find' supports wild card characters.'Full documentation:''-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'If the position is important, Use VBA's InStr() function to check'if a string contains another:

MsgBox InStr("Excel Hero","Hero")'Displays: 7
MsgBox InStr("Excel Hero","hero")'Displays: 0
MsgBox InStr("Excel Hero","hero",1)'Displays: 7 (case insensitive)'InStr() searches from left to right and returns the position 'of the first match found, or zero if no match is found.'By default, InStr() starts at the first character in the first 'string. But there is an optional first argument that specifies the'first character to start the search at:
MsgBox InStr(5,"Excel Hero","e")'Displays: 8'To search from right to left:
MsgBox InStrRev("Excel Hero","e")'Displays: 8'But note that InStrRev() doe NOT have the optional first argument'that specifies which character to start with.

Ejemplo 2: vba como con comodín

VBA like wildcard
“VBA LIKE”operator allows us to match the pattern of the string against the full string....If the pattern matches with the stringthen VBA LIKEoperator returns TRUEorelseFALSE.While matching strings we need to use wildcard characters to the patter we specify. Below are the wildcards we use in VBA LIKEoperator.
VBA LikeOperator(Easy Examples) | How to Use "Like"in... › VBA › VBA Logical Functions

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