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upcasting y downcasting en java ejemplo de código javatpoint

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Ejemplo 1: actualización de java

Upcasting is casting a subtype toa supertype, 
going up in the inheritance tree.
It is done implicitly
 in order touse method available on any
 interface/class, the object should be of
 same class or of class implementing the interface.  
   WebDriver driver =newChromeDriver();
	TakeScreenShot ts =newChromeDriver();

Ejemplo 2: upcasting vs downcasting en java

Upcasting is casting a subtype toa supertype, 
going up in the inheritance tree.
It is done implicitly
 in order touse method available on any
 interface/class, the object should be of
 same class or of class implementing the interface.  
   WebDriver driver =newChromeDriver();
	TakeScreenShot ts =newChromeDriver();Downcasting is casting toa subtype, 
going down in the inheritance tree.
It is done toaccess sub classfeatures.
It has tobe done manually


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