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Ejemplo 1: cómo instalar mysql en ubuntu 20.04

## To install mysql in Ubuntu ##sudoaptinstall mysql-server

## For configuration sudo mysql_secure_installation

# For password type YES or y ... enter you password# For removing user NO or n # For disallow login NO or n# For remove database NO or n# Reload table YES or y## DONE configurations ...## Start mysql with below command...sudo mysql -u root -p 

# Enter password which you add in configurations# Now you are all done...

Ejemplo 2: cómo instalar mysql en ubuntu 20.04

## ADD user in mysql && have problem with root user ### First Login mysql shell..sudo mysql -u root -p 

## Also check if you are unable to login in mysql without sudo...## Creating new user and giving permissions...# Goto login shell of mysql... and type below commands...#1 show databases;#2 use mysql;#3 select user, host, plugin from mysql.user;#4 create user 'your_user_name'@'localhost' identified by 'password';#5 grant all privileges on *.* to 'your_user_name'@'localhost';#6 update user set plugin="caching_sha2_password" where User="your_user_name";#     .... Here caching_sha2_password you can see yours in #3 check #		your table and see column (plugin) don't use root plugin...#7 flush privileges;#8 EXIT#### DONE Now you created your user also you can user without sudo...

mysql -u your_user_name -p 
## For password check your step #4 and enter same password...## Enjoy ALL DONE....## HAVE A NICE DAY!

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