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Ejemplo 1: programa java para encontrar la transposición de una matriz
importjava.util.Scanner;publicclassMatrixTransposeInJavapublicstaticvoidmain(String[] args)int[][] arrGiven =2,4,6,8,1,3,5,7,9;// another matrix to store transpose of matrix int[][] arrTranspose =newint[3][3];// transpose matrix code for(int a =0; a <3; a++)for(int b =0; b <3; b++)
arrTranspose[a][b]= arrGiven[b][a];System.out.println("Before matrix transpose: ");for(int a =0; a <3; a++)for(int b =0; b <3; b++)System.out.print(arrGiven[a][b]+" ");System.out.println();System.out.println("After matrix transpose: ");for(int a =0; a <3; a++)for(int b =0; b <3; b++)System.out.print(arrTranspose[a][b]+" ");System.out.println();
Ejemplo 2: transponer una matriz en java sin usar una segunda matriz
// transpose of a matrix in java without using second matriximportjava.util.Scanner;publicclassWithoutSecondMatrixpublicstaticvoidmain(String[] args)Scanner sc =newScanner(System.in);int a, b, row, column, temp;System.out.println("Please enter number of rows: ");
row = sc.nextInt();System.out.println("Please enter the number of columns: ");
column = sc.nextInt();int[][] matrix =newint[row][column];System.out.println("Please enter elements of matrix: ");for(a =0; a < row; a++)for(b =0; b < column; b++)
matrix[a][b]= sc.nextInt();System.out.println("Elements of the matrix: ");for(a =0; a < row; a++)for(b =0; b < column; b++)System.out.print(matrix[a][b]+"t");System.out.println("");// transpose of a matrixfor(a =0; a < row; a++)for(b =0; b < a; b++)
temp = matrix[a][b];
matrix[a][b]= matrix[b][a];
matrix[b][a]= temp;System.out.println("transpose of a matrix without using second matrix: ");for(a =0; a < row; a++)for(b =0; b < column; b++)System.out.print(matrix[a][b]+"t");System.out.println("");
Ejemplo 3: transposición de una matriz java
for(int row =0; row < matrix.length; row++)for(int col = row; col < matrix[row].length; col++)// Swap int data = matrix[row][col];
matrix[row][col]= matrix[col][row];
matrix[col][row]= data;
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