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Reemplazar el ejemplo de código mysql

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Ejemplo 1: mysql reemplaza un carácter en un string

UPDATE users SET first_name =REPLACE(first_name,'search','replace_with')where id >0;

Ejemplo 2: mysql reemplazar texto

    column_name =REPLACE(column_name,'text to find','text to replace with')WHERE
    column_name LIKE'%text to find%';

Ejemplo 3: reemplazo de mysql

REPLACE(str, find_string, replace_with)

Ejemplo 4: actualizar y reemplazar mysql

#Search, Update & Replace QueryUPDATE`tblname`SET`description`=REPLACE(`description`,'old name','New Name')WHERE`description`LIKE'%old name%';

Ejemplo 5: buscar reemplazar en mysql

UPDATE products SET 
productDescription =REPLACE(productDescription,'abuot','about');

Ejemplo 6: MySQL REPLACE

The MySQL REPLACE statement is an extension to the SQL Standard. The MySQL REPLACE statement works as follows:

Step 1.Insert a new rowinto the table,if a duplicatekey error occurs.

Step 2.If the insertion fails due to a duplicate-key error occurs:

Delete the conflicting row that causes the duplicatekey error from the table.Insert the new rowinto the table again.To determine whether the new row that already existsin the table, MySQL uses PRIMARYKEYorUNIQUEKEYindex.If the table does not have one of these indexes, the REPLACE works like an  INSERT statement.Touse the REPLACE statement, you need to have at least both INSERTandDELETEprivilegesfor the table.

Notice that MySQL has the REPLACE string function which isnot the REPLACE statement covered in this tutorial.

The following illustrates the syntax of the REPLACE statement:

REPLACE[INTO] table_name(column_list)VALUES(value_list);

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