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quitar barra invertida de string ejemplo de código pitón

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Ejemplo: eliminar barra invertida de string pitón

# if the string is inputed by a user do this

user_input =str(input("Enter a sentence here -- > "))# Let's say we inputed: "This is a sentence with backslashes"
user_input = user_input.replace('\','')# we do double backslash because a singular backslash will cancel out whatever# Comes after itprint(user_input)# result: This is a sentence with backslashes# But if you give the variable "string" the value of This is a sentence with backslashes:# This is a sentence with backslashes # And it gets printed as: # This is a sen        ence wi        h backslashes# You have to replace replace the ""'s with "\" # So something like this:
string ='Thi\s i\s a sen\ten\ce wi\th bac\kslashes'print(string)# The result will be:# This is a sentence with backslashes # and there you go, that's how you replace or get rid of# Backslashes

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