Fabián, miembro de este gran staff, nos hizo el favor de redactar este enunciado ya que controla muy bien dicho tema.
Ejemplo 1: tipos de datos primitivos y no primitivos en Java
Primitive data types are those data types which are used by programmers when creating variables in their program.
For example :-*boolean*char*byte*short*int*long*float*doubleNon-Primitive data types:*String* array
*enum*class* etc
Ejemplo 2: tipos de datos no primitivos en Java
Non-PrimitiveDataTypes:These data types are not actually defined by
the programming language but are created by the programmer. They are
also called “reference variables” or “object references” since they
refer toa memory location which stores the data.
All classes are non-primitive data types.
Example:Object,String,Integer,Boolean, etc...
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