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Python principiante todo ejemplo de código de programa de escritorio

este problema se puede tratar de diversas formas, por lo tanto te mostramos la solución más completa para nosotros.

Ejemplo: cómo empezar con Python

#the best way to start with anything is not to rush and start with the basics#python however is really good for begginers as it is easy to read and understaned#and has relatively easy syntax so dont spend a lot of time on the basics like#print() and if  rather learn the basics and learn about the libraries #and a good way to learn about the libraries is if you are also#struggling to find motivation for programming the best way to work around it is#to learn how dopamine works in your brain and how to use it in progoramming#for that use the video a good IDE i reccomend pycharm#and remember programming is not something you should remember to be good #programming is something you need to understand and to be a good programmer you # need to know how to put the internet to a good use and to know where to search#if this helped leave it an upvote #rubel1130 :)

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