Ejemplo 1: copiar al portapapeles python
import pyperclip
pyperclip.copy('The text to be copied to the clipboard.')
Ejemplo 2: guardar datos del portapapeles win32clipboard python
import win32clipboard
# set clipboard data
win32clipboard.SetClipboardText('testing 123')
# get clipboard data
data = win32clipboard.GetClipboardData()
print data
Ejemplo 3: Python cómo acceder al portapapeles
import clipboard
clipboard.copy("abc") # now the clipboard content will be string "abc"
text = clipboard.paste() # text will have the content of clipboard
Ejemplo 4: comando de copia de Python al portapapeles
# To use native Python directories, use:
from subprocess import check_call
# On windows use:
def copy2clip(txt):
cmd='echo '+txt.strip()+'|clip'
return check_call(cmd, shell=True)
# On Mac use:
def copy2clip(txt):
cmd='echo '+txt.strip()+'|pbcopy'
return check_call(cmd, shell=True)
# Then to call the function use:
copy2clip('This is on my clipboard!')
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