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Ejemplo: IndentationError: unindent no coincide con ningún nivel de sangría exterior
# Error:
IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level
# Solution:# This error usually comes up when you are using a mix of spaces and# tabs for indentation in Python (which is often caused by copy-pasting# code from somewhere else). To fix, convert all tabs to 4 spaces in# your text editor. E.g. in Atom, the 'Whitespace: Convert Tabs to # Spaces' command that you can find with Cmd+Shift+P works nicely. # Note, the PEP8 style guide for Python recommends using 4 spaces for # indentation instead of tabs. You may need to change the space/tab# settings in your text editor if it's set to auto-convert any of these# characters.
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