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Ejemplo 1: determinar si el número es primo python
# Time Efficient Primality Check in PythondefprimeCheck(n):# 0, 1, even numbers greater than 2 are NOT PRIMEif n==1or n==0or(n %2==0and n >2):return"Not prime"else:# Not prime if divisable by another number less# or equal to the square root of itself.# n**(1/2) returns square root of nfor i inrange(3,int(n**(1/2))+1,2):if n%i ==0:return"Not prime"return"Prime"
Ejemplo 2: verificar si un número es primo python
n=input('Enter the number you want to check: ')try:
n=int(n)except:print('Wrong input.')
quit()if n==1or n==0:print('This is neither prime nor composite')else:
c=0for i inrange(2,n):if n%i==0:
c=c+1if c==0:print("This is a prime number")else:print('This is a composite number.')
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