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Programa C ++ para multiplicar dos matrices usando matrices multidimensionales y ejemplo de código de puntero

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Ejemplo 1: multiplicación de matrices en c ++

#includeusingnamespace std;intmain()int a[10][10], b[10][10], mult[10][10], r1, c1, r2, c2, i, j, k;

    cout <<"Enter rows and columns for first matrix: ";
    cin >> r1 >> c1;
    cout <<"Enter rows and columns for second matrix: ";
    cin >> r2 >> c2;// If column of first matrix in not equal to row of second matrix,// ask the user to enter the size of matrix again.while(c1!=r2)
        cout <<"Error! column of first matrix not equal to row of second.";

        cout <<"Enter rows and columns for first matrix: ";
        cin >> r1 >> c1;

        cout <<"Enter rows and columns for second matrix: ";
        cin >> r2 >> c2;// Storing elements of first matrix.
    cout << endl <<"Enter elements of matrix 1:"<< endl;for(i =0; i < r1;++i)for(j =0; j < c1;++j)
            cout <<"Enter element a"<< i +1<< j +1<<" : ";
            cin >> a[i][j];// Storing elements of second matrix.
    cout << endl <<"Enter elements of matrix 2:"<< endl;for(i =0; i < r2;++i)for(j =0; j < c2;++j)
            cout <<"Enter element b"<< i +1<< j +1<<" : ";
            cin >> b[i][j];// Initializing elements of matrix mult to 0.for(i =0; i < r1;++i)for(j =0; j < c2;++j)
            mult[i][j]=0;// Multiplying matrix a and b and storing in array mult.for(i =0; i < r1;++i)for(j =0; j < c2;++j)for(k =0; k < c1;++k)
                mult[i][j]+= a[i][k]* b[k][j];// Displaying the multiplication of two matrix.
    cout << endl <<"Output Matrix: "<< endl;for(i =0; i < r1;++i)for(j =0; j < c2;++j)
        cout <<" "<< mult[i][j];if(j == c2-1)
            cout << endl;return0;

Ejemplo 2: multiplicación de matrices en c ++

// Displaying the multiplication of two matrix.
    cout << endl <<"Output Matrix: "<< endl;for(i =0; i < r1;++i)for(j =0; j < c2;++j)
        cout <<" "<< mult[i][j];if(j == c2-1)
            cout << endl;

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