Ejemplo 1: bucle de ramitas
loop.index The current iteration of the loop. (1 indexed)
loop.index0 The current iteration of the loop. (0 indexed)
loop.revindex The number of iterations from the end of the loop (1 indexed)
loop.revindex0 The number of iterations from the end of the loop (0 indexed)
loop.first True if first iteration
loop.last True if last iteration
loop.length The number of items in the sequence
loop.parent The parent context
{% for user in users %}
{{ loop.index }} - {{ user.username }}
{% endfor %}
Ejemplo 2: ramita para
{% for key, user in users %}
<li>{{ key }}: {{ user.username|e }}</li>
{% endfor %}
Ejemplo 3: bucle de ramitas
{% for user in users %}
{{ loop.index }} - {{ user.username }}
{% endfor %}
Ejemplo 4: cómo hacer una ramita de bucle
{% for letter in 'a'..'z' %}
* {{ letter }}
{% endfor %}
Ejemplo 5: cómo hacer una ramita de bucle
{% for i in 0..10 %}
* {{ i }}
{% endfor %}
Ejemplo 6: ramita para clave de bucle
{% for key, user in users %}
<li>{{ key }}: {{ user.username|e }}</li>
{% endfor %}
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