Luego de de una prolongada selección de datos solucionamos esta dificultad que suelen tener ciertos lectores. Te compartimos la solución y nuestro deseo es serte de mucha apoyo.
Ejemplo 1: google apis actualiza el cambio de token
The Google Auth server issued Refresh tokens never expire —
that's the whole point of the refresh tokens. The refresh token
will expire (or I should say become unauthorized) when the user
revokes access to your application.
Refer this doc it clearly states the function of refresh tokens.
Ejemplo 2: obtener token de actualización google api
$token = '"access_token":"' . $token_data->access_token . '","expires_in":' . $token_data->expires_in . ',"scope":"","token_type":"' . $token_data->token_type . '","created":' . $token_data->created . '';
$client = new Google_Client();
$client->setAuthConfig(__DIR__ . '/../../../../public/assets/client_secrets.json');
// Set the access token on the client.
if ( $client->isAccessTokenExpired() )
$this->refreshAccessToken($token_data, $client, 'gmb_user', $user_id, $brand->id);
catch (Exception $exception)
private function refreshAccessToken ($token_data, $client, $table, $user_id, $brand_id)
Log::info('Token Expired 1:'.json_encode($token_data->refresh_token));
Log::info('Old Token:'.json_encode($token_data->access_token));
$access_token = $client->fetchAccessTokenWithRefreshToken($token_data->refresh_token);
Log::info('Renewed Token:'.json_encode($access_token));
$result = DB::table($table)
->where(['owner_id' => $user_id, 'brand_id' => $brand_id])
->update(['access_token' => $client->getAccessToken()["access_token"],
'expires_in' => $client->getAccessToken()["expires_in"],
'token_type' => $client->getAccessToken()["token_type"],
'created' => $client->getAccessToken()["created"]
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