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obtener la ubicación actual con el ejemplo de código de api de google maps

Nuestros mejores investigadores han agotado sus reservas de café, por su búsqueda a tiempo completo por la respuesta, hasta que Jimena encontró el hallazgo en Gitea y en este momento la comparte contigo.

Ejemplo 1: cómo elegir una ubicación en google maps + api

DOCTYPEhtml><html><head><styletype="text/css">#mapwidth:700px;height:500px;style><scripttype="text/javascript"src="">script><title>Save Marker Exampletitle>head><body><h1>Select a location!h1><p>Click on a location on the map to select it. Drag the marker to change location.p><divid="map">div><h2>Chosen Locationh2><formmethod="post"><inputtype="text"id="lat"readonly="yes"><br><inputtype="text"id="lng"readonly="yes">form><scripttype="text/javascript"src="map.js">script>body>html>

Ejemplo 2: cómo elegir una ubicación en google maps + api


//Set up some of our variables.
var map; //Will contain map object.
var marker = false; ////Has the user plotted their location marker? 
//Function called to initialize / create the map.
//This is called when the page has loaded.
function initMap() 

    //The center location of our map.
    var centerOfMap = new google.maps.LatLng(52.357971, -6.516758);

    //Map options.
    var options = 
      center: centerOfMap, //Set center.
      zoom: 7 //The zoom value.

    //Create the map object.
    map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), options);

    //Listen for any clicks on the map.
    google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'click', function(event)                 
        //Get the location that the user clicked.
        var clickedLocation = event.latLng;
        //If the marker hasn't been added.
        if(marker === false)
            //Create the marker.
            marker = new google.maps.Marker(
                position: clickedLocation,
                map: map,
                draggable: true //make it draggable
            //Listen for drag events!
            google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'dragend', function(event)
            //Marker has already been added, so just change its location.
        //Get the marker's location.

//This function will get the marker's current location and then add the lat/long
//values to our textfields so that we can save the location.
function markerLocation()
    //Get location.
    var currentLocation = marker.getPosition();
    //Add lat and lng values to a field that we can save.
    document.getElementById('lat').value =; //latitude
    document.getElementById('lng').value = currentLocation.lng(); //longitude

//Load the map when the page has finished loading.
google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initMap);

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