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multiproceso a cubo y cuadrado en el ejemplo de código de Python

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Ejemplo 1: cómo ejecutar un programa con Python multiproceso

#!/usr/bin/pythonimport thread
import time

# Define a function for the threaddefprint_time( threadName, delay):
   count =0while count <5:
      count +=1print"%s: %s"%( threadName, time.ctime(time.time()))# Create two threads as followstry:
   thread.start_new_thread( print_time,("Thread-1",2,))
   thread.start_new_thread( print_time,("Thread-2",4,))except:print"Error: unable to start thread"while1:pass

Ejemplo 2: python3 multiproceso

import timeimport threadingdef calc_square(number):print("Calculate square numbers: ")for i in numbers:      time.sleep(0.2)#artificial time-delay      print('square: ', str(n*n))def calc_cude(number):   print("Calculate cude numbers: ")   for i in numbers:      time.sleep(0.2)      print('cube: ', str(n*n*n))arr = [2,3,8,9]t = time.time()t1 = threading.Thread(target = cal_square,args=(arr,))t2 = threading.Thread(target = cal_cube,args=(arr,))# creating two threads here t1 & t2t1.start()t2.start()# starting threads here parallelly by usign start function.t1.join()# this join() will wait until the cal_square() function is finised.t2.join()# this join() will wait unit the cal_cube() function is finised.print("Successed!")

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