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mostrar la lista doblemente enlazada en orden inverso en el ejemplo de código c

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Ejemplo: invertir una lista enlazada individualmente en c

 * C program to reverse a Singly Linked List

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>/* Structure of a node */
struct node int data;//Data part
    struct node *next;//Address part*head;/* Functions used in the program */voidcreateList(int n);voidreverseList();voiddisplayList();intmain()int n, choice;/*
     * Create a singly linked list of n nodes
     */printf("Enter the total number of nodes: ");scanf("%d",&n);createList(n);printf("nData in the list n");displayList();/*
     * Reverse the list
     */printf("nPress 1 to reverse the order of singly linked listn");scanf("%d",&choice);if(choice ==1)reverseList();printf("nData in the listn");displayList();return0;/*
 * Create a list of n nodes
 */voidcreateList(int n)
    struct node *newNode,*temp;int data, i;if(n <=0)printf("List size must be greater than zero.n");return;

    head =(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));/*
     * If unable to allocate memory for head node
     */if(head == NULL)printf("Unable to allocate memory.");else/*
         * Read data of node from the user
         */printf("Enter the data of node 1: ");scanf("%d",&data);

        head->data = data;// Link the data field with data
        head->next = NULL;// Link the address field to NULL

        temp = head;/*
         * Create n nodes and adds to linked list
         */for(i=2; i<=n; i++)
            newNode =(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));/* If memory is not allocated for newNode */if(newNode == NULL)printf("Unable to allocate memory.");break;elseprintf("Enter the data of node %d: ", i);scanf("%d",&data);

                newNode->data = data;// Link the data field of newNode with data
                newNode->next = NULL;// Link the address field of newNode with NULL

                temp->next = newNode;// Link previous node i.e. temp to the newNode
                temp = temp->next;printf("SINGLY LINKED LIST CREATED SUCCESSFULLYn");/*
 * Reverse the order of nodes of a singly linked list
    struct node *prevNode,*curNode;if(head != NULL)
        prevNode = head;
        curNode = head->next;
        head = head->next;

        prevNode->next = NULL;// Make first node as last nodewhile(head != NULL)
            head = head->next;
            curNode->next = prevNode;

            prevNode = curNode;
            curNode = head;

        head = prevNode;// Make last node as headprintf("SUCCESSFULLY REVERSED LISTn");/*
 * Display entire list
    struct node *temp;/*
     * If the list is empty i.e. head = NULL
     */if(head == NULL)printf("List is empty.");else
        temp = head;while(temp != NULL)printf("Data = %dn", temp->data);// Print the data of current node
            temp = temp->next;// Move to next node

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