Ejemplo 1: piedra de pitón, papel, tijeras
import random
game_list =['Rock','Paper','Scissors']
computer = c =0
command = p =0print("Score: Computer"+str(c)+" Player "+str(p))# the loop
run =Truewhile run:
computer_choice = random.choice(game_list)
command =input("Rock, Paper, Scissors or Quit: ")if command == computer_choice:print("Tie")elif command =='Rock':if computer_choice =='Scissors':print("Player won!")
p +=1else:print("Computer won!")
c +=1elif command =='Paper':if command =='Rock':print("Player won!")
p +=1else:print("Computer won!")
c +=1elif command =='Scissors':if computer_choice =='Paper':print("Player won!")
p +=1else:print("Computer won!")
c +=1elif command =='Quit':breakelse:print("Wrong command! ")print("Player: "+ command)print("Computer: "+ computer_choice)print("")print("Score: Computer "+str(c)+" Player "+str(p))print("")
Ejemplo 2: código python para piedra, papel, tijeras
from random import randint
t =["Rock","Paper","Scissors"]
computer = t[randint(0,2)]print("My Rock, Paper and Scissor Game!!")
C=0while C<5:
player =input("What's your move? :")if player == computer:print("Tie!")print(score)elif player =="Rock":if computer =="Paper":print("You lose!", computer,"covers", player)
score=score -1print(score)else:print("You win!", player,"smashes", computer)
score = score +1print(score)elif player =="Paper":if computer =="Scissors":print("You lose!", computer,"cut", player)
score = score -1print(score)else:print("You win!", player,"covers", computer)
score = score +1print(score)elif player =="Scissors":if computer =="Rock":print("You lose...", computer,"smashes", player)
score = score -1print(score)else:print("You win!", player,"cut", computer)
score = score +1print(score)else:print("That's not a valid play. Check your spelling!")
C = C +1print('Your final score is: '+str(score))
Ejemplo 3: piedra de pitón, papel, tijeras
from random import randint
userA =input("Rock(R), Paper(P) or Scissors(S)")
comp =["R","P","S"]
compA = comp[randint(0,2)]if userA == compA:print("Draw")elif userA =="R"and compA =="P":print("You Lose")elif userA =="R"and compA =="S":print("You Win")elif userA =="S"and compA =="P":print("You Win")elif userA =="S"and compA =="R":print("You Lose")elif userA =="P"and compA =="R":print("You Win")elif userA =="P"and compA =="S":print("You Lose")else:print("ERROR")
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