Saltar al contenido

javascript contar caracteres en el ejemplo de código de cadena

Ejemplo 1: contar las apariciones de caracteres en una cadena javascript

var temp = "This is a string.";
var count = (temp.match(/is/g) || []).length;

Output: 2

Explaination : The g in the regular expression (short for global) says to search the whole string rather than just find the first occurrence. This matches 'is' twice.

Ejemplo 2: JavaScript cuenta ocurrencias en cadena

function countOccurences(string, word) {
   return string.split(word).length - 1;
var text="We went down to the stall, then down to the river."; 
var count=countOccurences(text,"down"); // 2

Ejemplo 3: cadena javascript lentrh

var myString = "string test";
var stringLength = myString.length;

console.log(stringLength); // Will return 11 because myString 
// 							  is 11 characters long...

Ejemplo 4: longitud de javascript

var colors = ["Red", "Orange", "Blue", "Green"];
var colorsLength=colors.length;//4 is colors array length 

var str = "bug";
var strLength=str.length;//3 is the number of characters in bug

Ejemplo 5: como obtener el recuento de letras en javascript

//when use length for string this will be return the count of charactor 
//in string

Ejemplo 6: valor de recuento de caracteres de a a b javascript

function count (string) {  
  var count = {};
  string.split('').forEach(function(s) {
     count[s] ? count[s]++ : count[s] = 1;
  return count;
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