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Java convertir Excel a ejemplo de código csv

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Ejemplo: convertir Excel a CSV en Java;;;importjava.util.Iterator;;importorg.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook;;;;;importorg.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook;publicclassXlsxtoCSVstaticvoidxlsx(File inputFile,File outputFile)// For storing data into CSV filesStringBuffer data =newStringBuffer();tryFileOutputStream fos =newFileOutputStream(outputFile);// Get the workbook object for XLSX fileFileInputStream fis =newFileInputStream(inputFile);Workbook workbook =null;String ext =FilenameUtils.getExtension(inputFile.toString());if(ext.equalsIgnoreCase("xlsx"))
                workbook =newXSSFWorkbook(fis);elseif(ext.equalsIgnoreCase("xls"))
                workbook =newHSSFWorkbook(fis);// Get first sheet from the workbookint numberOfSheets = workbook.getNumberOfSheets();Row row;Cell cell;// Iterate through each rows from first sheetfor(int i =0; i < numberOfSheets; i++)Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);Iterator<Row> rowIterator = sheet.iterator();while(rowIterator.hasNext())
                    row =;// For each row, iterate through each columnsIterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();while(cellIterator.hasNext())

                        cell =;switch(cell.getCellType())caseCell.CELL_TYPE_BOOLEAN:
                            data.append(cell +",");
                    data.append('n');// appending new line after each row
            fos.close();catch(Exception ioe)
            ioe.printStackTrace();// testing the applicationpublicstaticvoidmain(String[] args)// int i=0;// reading file from desktopFile inputFile =newFile(".//src//test//resources//yourExcel.xls");//provide your path// writing excel data to csvFile outputFile =newFile(".//src//test//resources//yourCSV.csv");//provide your pathxlsx(inputFile, outputFile);System.out.println("Conversion of "+ inputFile +" to flat file: "+ outputFile +" is completed");

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