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invertir los dígitos de un número entero en el ejemplo de código de Python

Ejemplo 1: invertir un número en python

# Python string/number reverser
example_number = 12143
example_string = "Hello there"

def reverse(thing): 
    thing = str(thing) # convert it to a string, just in case it was a number
    list_of_chars = [char for char in thing]
    reversed_list_of_chars = []
    x = -1
    for char in list_of_chars:
      x += -1
    reversed_thing = ''.join(reversed_list_of_chars)
    return reversed_thing
    # Or alternatively do:

# Run it by doing this

Ejemplo 2: números enteros inversos en Python

# Get the number from user manually 
num = int(input("Enter your favourite number: "))
# Initiate value to null
test_num = 0
# Check using while loop
  remainder = num % 10
  test_num = (test_num * 10) + remainder
  num = num//10
# Display the result
print("The reverse number is : {}".format(test_num))
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