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imprimir en la siguiente línea en el ejemplo de código python

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Ejemplo 1: imprimir nueva línea python


Ejemplo 2: nueva línea de python

print("First Line n""Second Line")

Ejemplo 3: cómo imprimir una nueva línea en python

# To print a newline in python Python has a special charecter as n with a# string.print("HinHow are you")#The output of This program is:
How are you
# But if you just print a new line like this:print("n")# The output of this program is Two newlines:# It printed two newlines because if i say print("hi") and then print("hello")# Python prints them in seperate lines.This means that Python automatically# generates a newline with the print statement. So if we print("n") Python# automattically generates a newline because of the print statement and then# it prints a newline which gives us two blank lines. So print("n") therefore,# gives you two blank lines.# If you have to print a blank single newline you have to use print() or# print("") What this blank print statement does is Python automatically# generates a newline because of the print statement and then you print# nothing. So print() or print("") gives you a blank single new line.

Ejemplo 4: cómo imprimir una línea en python

print("Hellow world!")

Ejemplo 5: cómo imprimir una nueva línea en python

# To print a newline in python Python has a special charecter as n with a# string.print("HinHow are you")#The output of This program is:
How are you
# But if you just print a new line like this:print("n")# The output of this program is Two newlines:# It printed two newlines because if i say print("hi") and then print("hello")# Python prints them in seperate lines.This means that Python automatically# generates a newline with the print statement. So if we print("n") Python# automattically generates a newline because of the print statement and then# it prints a newline which gives us two blank lines. So print("n") therefore,# gives you two blank lines.# If you have to print a blank single newline you have to use print() or# print("") What this blank print statement does is Python automatically# generates a newline because of the print statement and then you print# nothing. So print() or print("") gives you a blank single new line.

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