Ya no necesitas indagar más por todo internet ya que has llegado al espacio exacto, poseemos la solución que necesitas y sin problema.
Ejemplo: sentencia if en ensamblador x86
INCLUDE asmlib.inc
prompt BYTE "Enter a number",0
evenMsg BYTE "That number is even ", 0
oddMsg BYTE "That number is odd", 0
divisor DWORD 2
main PROC
mov edx, OFFSET prompt ;output the prompt
call writeLine
call readInt ;readin a number
mov edx, 0;clear the edx for division
div divisor ; can't divide by an immediate
; use a variable
.IF edx ==0;if the remainder is 0
mov edx, OFFSET evenMsg ; it is an even number
mov edx, OFFSET oddMsg
call writeLine ;write the message to the screen.
main ENDP
END main
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