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iexpress.exe código de ejemplo de windows 10

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Ejemplo: iexpress.exe

      IEXPRESS [ /N [/Q] [/M] ] SED_filename
         [/O:Override_SED_filename, OverrideSectionName] [/D:directory]


  /N   Build package now (SED filename must be specified)
  /Q   Quiet mode when using /N
  /M   Use minimised windows when using /N
  /O   Specify overrideSED file and section
  /D   Override directory for exe stub

When running the created self extracting archive, the following options can be used:

  /Q            Quiet mode, No prompts and no errors.
  /QA           Quiet + Assume the person running the app is admin/SMS so do not check for admin rights or disk space.[Build 306]
  /QU           Quiet + Assume the person running the app is an non-admin user. [Build 306]
                No extract UI, but still get warnings on admin checks or disk space issues.
                Used when IExpress packages are shipped on CDs or installed through ActiveSetup.

  /T:Full_path  A Temporary working folder
  /C            Extract files only, when used with /T
  /C:cmd        Override the install command defined by the author.

  /R:N    Never restart the computer after installation.
  /R:A    Ask to restart the computer after installation.
  /R:S    Restart the computer after installation without prompting the user.

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