Ejemplo 1: escáner comprobar si es int
boolean isAnInt = scanner.hasNextInt();
Ejemplo 2: hasnext en java
import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class ScannerDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String s = "Hello World! 3 + 3.0 = 6";
// create a new scanner with the specified String Object
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(s);
// check if the scanner has a token
System.out.println("" + scanner.hasNext());
// print the rest of the string
System.out.println("" + scanner.nextLine());
// check if the scanner has a token after printing the line
System.out.println("" + scanner.hasNext());
// close the scanner
Ejemplo 3: floor () en c ++
floor(x):This function in C++ returns the smallest possible integer value which is smaller
than or equal to the given argument.
Input : 2.5 ,-2.1 ,2.9
Output : 2 ,-3, 2
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