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Hacer columnas o celdas de solo lectura con EPPlus

Ya no tienes que indagar más en otras webs ya que llegaste al espacio necesario, tenemos la respuesta que necesitas y sin complicarte.


Estoy agregando dos hojas de trabajo y necesito proteger todas las columnas excepto la del tercer índice.

Esto funcionó para mí 🙂

worksheet2.Cells["A1"].LoadFromDataTable(dt_Data, true); //------load data from datatable
worksheet2.Protection.IsProtected = true; //--------Protect whole sheet
worksheet2.Column(3).Style.Locked = false; //-------Unlock 3rd column

EPPlus puede estar predeterminado a todo las celdas están bloqueadas, en cuyo caso debe configurar el Locked attribute a false Para el otro columnas, luego establezca IsProtected en true.

Solo pensé en publicar la solución en caso de que ayude a alguien más. Tuve que configurar toda la hoja de trabajo como protegida, pero configuré el Locked attribute a false por cada no-Id campo.

        int i = 2;
        foreach (var zip in results)
            //Set cell values
            ws.Cells["A" + i.ToString()].Value = zip.ChannelCode;
            ws.Cells["B" + i.ToString()].Value = zip.DrmTerrDesc;
            ws.Cells["C" + i.ToString()].Value = zip.IndDistrnId;
            ws.Cells["D" + i.ToString()].Value = zip.StateCode;
            ws.Cells["E" + i.ToString()].Value = zip.ZipCode;
            ws.Cells["F" + i.ToString()].Value = zip.EndDate.ToShortDateString();
            ws.Cells["G" + i.ToString()].Value = zip.EffectiveDate.ToShortDateString();
            ws.Cells["H" + i.ToString()].Value = zip.LastUpdateId;
            ws.Cells["I" + i.ToString()].Value = zip.ErrorCodes;
            ws.Cells["J" + i.ToString()].Value = zip.Status;
            ws.Cells["K" + i.ToString()].Value = zip.Id;

            //Unlock non-Id fields
            ws.Cells["A" + i.ToString()].Style.Locked = false;
            ws.Cells["B" + i.ToString()].Style.Locked = false;
            ws.Cells["C" + i.ToString()].Style.Locked = false;
            ws.Cells["D" + i.ToString()].Style.Locked = false;
            ws.Cells["E" + i.ToString()].Style.Locked = false;
            ws.Cells["F" + i.ToString()].Style.Locked = false;
            ws.Cells["G" + i.ToString()].Style.Locked = false;
            ws.Cells["H" + i.ToString()].Style.Locked = false;
            ws.Cells["I" + i.ToString()].Style.Locked = false;
            ws.Cells["J" + i.ToString()].Style.Locked = false;


        //Since we have to make the whole sheet protected and unlock each cell 
        //to allow for editing this loop is necessary
        for (int a = 65000 - i; i < 65000; i++)
            //Unlock non-Id fields
            ws.Cells["A" + i.ToString()].Style.Locked = false;
            ws.Cells["B" + i.ToString()].Style.Locked = false;
            ws.Cells["C" + i.ToString()].Style.Locked = false;
            ws.Cells["D" + i.ToString()].Style.Locked = false;
            ws.Cells["E" + i.ToString()].Style.Locked = false;
            ws.Cells["F" + i.ToString()].Style.Locked = false;
            ws.Cells["G" + i.ToString()].Style.Locked = false;
            ws.Cells["H" + i.ToString()].Style.Locked = false;
            ws.Cells["I" + i.ToString()].Style.Locked = false;
            ws.Cells["J" + i.ToString()].Style.Locked = false;                

        //Set worksheet protection attributes
        ws.Protection.AllowInsertRows = true;
        ws.Protection.AllowSort = true;
        ws.Protection.AllowSelectUnlockedCells = true;
        ws.Protection.AllowAutoFilter = true;
        ws.Protection.AllowInsertRows = true;
        ws.Protection.IsProtected = true;

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