este problema se puede solucionar de variadas formas, pero nosotros te damos la que para nosotros es la resolución más completa.
Ejemplo: pantalla de carga python
import sys
import time
print("pls wait", end ="")
loading =True# a simple var to keep the loading status
loading_speed =4# number of characters to print out per second
loading_string ="."*6# characters to print out one by one (6 dots in this example)while loading:for index, char inenumerate(loading_string):# you can check your loading status here# if the loading is done set `loading` to false and break
sys.stdout.write(char)# write the next char to STDOUT
sys.stdout.flush()# flush the output
time.sleep(1.0/ loading_speed)# wait to match our speed
index +=1# lists are zero indexed, we need to increase by one for the accurate count# backtrack the written characters, overwrite them with space, backtrack again:
sys.stdout.write("b"* index +" "* index +"b"* index)
sys.stdout.flush()# flush the output
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